Saturday, July 13, 2013


My day yesterday was mixed mostly I felt tired all day and in the evening I decided to lay down and have some relaxing time.
Unlike me being lazy and tired my mind was busy doing a lot, sometimes I have no control over my own thoughts.
 It was happening too first it felt like I was going crazy.
My thoughts took me way back I began to think how happy I am to be where I am and to have place to call home but another thought in my mind popped a question"are u sure you are really happy"?
I was kind of in between but I guess I am happy I love my parents they make me happy.
"Do you think about how life would be if you biological parents were to be here"? Another question popped up.  And beside this being only in my mind I have been asked this same question by different people and to answer everyone,
Yes I do imagine how life could have been with my bio parents in fact I think about it every day, I think about it when I am sad or happy , I think about it when I get my way or not, I think about how happy they might have been for me I think about how sad they might have been every time my evil self popps up!! I think about all kinds of things that might have happened but What difference does it make? Because thinking about it doesn't mean that is how things might have been it's just imaginations things are the way they suppose to be now!!
And I kind of appreciate it.
It doesn't mean that I don't honor my bio parents, I do really,  besides if it wasn't for them I wouldn't be around today so yeah I honor them a lot I just don't want to spend my precious time imagining a strange life with strangers when I have a beautiful reality with beautiful people in my family.
I would love it ,if I really don't get asked this same question every often but I can't control people's behaviour.
All I know is that my life is what it was supposed to be way before my first birthday and I know that because God had planned everything before I was born.
He planned for me to be born to my bio parents and he placed me in my adoptive family according to his purpose.
My parents are the   bestest no matter what happens in life.
The kind of question people should ask me should be"what is life like with your parents"? Because they  are here (And it's all that matters to me)
 that actually will be simple to answer.